FAQs and Troubleshooting#

I am having trouble connecting to DataQuery using the API#

For the most common issues, such as incorrect credentials, invalid certificates etc, the package will raise an exception with a helpful error message.

If you find that the package raises an HTTPConnection/HTTPSConnectionPool error, please check your proxy settings. In scenarios where an error is raised while running check_connection() (or another download), the error is raised with context to the OAuth token request (to “https://authe.jpmchase.com/as/token.oauth2”).

You would most likely need to pass your proxy settings to the JPMaQSDownload object, as shown in the Connecting via a proxy server section. If you are accessing DataQuery from an institutional/enterprise network, please contact your IT department to ensure that you have the correct proxy settings.

For organizations using ZScaler - you may have to manually add the ZScaler certificates to the certifi certificate store (typically called cacert.pem). You can find the location of the certifi certificate store by running the following in your Python environment:

import certifi

Here’s a link to ZScaler’s official documentation and FAQs on how to add certificates to application specific trust stores.

A function is not working as expected#

Please check the documentation for the function on our documentation website, and ensure you are using the latest version of the package. If you are still having issues, please raise an issue on our GitHub repository. Please include a minimal reproducible example, and the output of pip freeze in your issue.

I have a feature request#

Please raise an issue, and title it “Feature Request: [your feature request]”.

Contributing or creating a pull request#

Currently, we do not allow a pull request to be created by users outside of the Macrosynergy team. If you’d like to contribute, please create a fork of the repository, and create a pull request from your fork.