
This subpackage contains functionalities for downloading JPMaQS data from the JPMorgan DataQuery API. Its components fall into two broad categories:

  • Downloading data from the API as time-series JSONs.

  • Converting and wrangling the JSONs into a JPMaQS Quantamental DataFrame.


Downloading via the JPMaQSDownload class needs the following inputs:

  • Authentication credentials (OAuth or Certificate)

  • A DataQuery expression, a JPMaQS tickers, or lists of cross-sections and extended categories.

  • A start and end date.


import os
import pandas as pd
from import JPMaQSDownload

client_id: str = os.getenv("DQ_CLIENT_ID")
client_secret: str = os.getenv("DQ_CLIENT_SECRET")

tickers: List[str] = ["EUR_FXXR_NSA", "USD_EQXR_NSA"]
expressions: List[str] = ["DB(JPMAQS,GBP_EQXR_NSA,value)"]
cids: List[str] = ["CAD", "AUD"]
xcats: List[str] = ["FXXR_NSA", "RIR_NSA"]
start_date: str = "2010-01-01"
end_date: str = "2020-01-01"

with JPMaQSDownload(
) as jpmaqs:
    data: pd.DataFrame =
        cids=cids, xcats=xcats,

proxy: Dict[str, str] = {
    "http": "",
    "https": "",

with JPMaQSDownload(
) as jpmaqs:
    data: List[dict] =
                        cids=cids, xcats=xcats,

assert data.shape[0] > 0

Design principles#

The key guiding principle of this subpackage can be summarized as follows:

  • Download JPMaQS data from the API as a QDF, while still allowing saving the raw JSONs.

  • Allow users to download any DataQuery expression, even though the JPMaQS specific functions may not apply to all expressions.

  • Allow OAuth and Certificate authentication.

  • Have detailed, well documented errors and break conditions.

  • Allow for concurrent downloads, adding proxy settings/alternate identity certificates, and manage retries and timeouts.

  • Have a simple, concise, and easy-to-use interface.

Implementation specifics#


The DataQueryInterface class makes use of concurrent.futures to allow for concurrent downloads. This means that as requests for data are sent out, the process will not wait for the response before sending out the next request. This is done to speed up the download process, as the API can handle multiple requests at once. The number of concurrent workers at the moment are controlled by defaults of the ThreadPoolExecutor class. The only control over concurrency is whether or not to use it at all.


While certificate authentication does not require a lot of code, OAuth authentication is a bit more involved. The class manages the OAuth token and authentication. To allow for a “neat” interface between the two types of authentication, the DataQueryInterface class uses one of OAuth or CertAuth classes as an attribute. This allows for it to have a single method to insert authentication information in the request.

Retries and Error handling#

The key to good error handling with context to this module is when and how to break. When a process breaks, it must include debug information such as nature of error and case-specific debug information.

  • Client ID/Certificate Username.

  • Request URL, Headers, and Response body (if available) for each request.

  • The number of retries attempted.

  • And of course, the error type and message.

For “soft” or transient errors, the process will retry the request a number of times before breaking. The number of retries is controlled by the max_retries parameter of the DataQueryInterface class. The default is 5. The timeouts are left to the defaults of the requests and concurrent.futures libraries. For hard errors, where the error is clearly non-transient, the process will break immediately. These are cases such as AuthenticationError or HeartbeatError.

Debugging SSL and Proxy issues#

If you’re on a corporate/work network, you may have to use a proxy to access the internet. This can cause issues with connecting to the JPMorgan DataQuery API. The JPMaQSDownload allows for a proxy to be passed in as a dictionary, which is ultimately passed to the requests library. The requests library will then use the proxy to connect to the API. Please also take a look at the FAQs section of the package README for more information on SSL and Proxy issues.
