Module housing decorators that are used to validate the arguments and return values of functions.

deprecate(new_func, deprecate_version, remove_after=None, message=None)[source]#

Decorator for deprecating a function.

Parameters :type new_func: Callable :param new_func: The function that replaces the old one. :type deprecate_version: str :param deprecate_version: The version in which the old function is deprecated. :type remove_after: str :param remove_after: The version in which the old function is removed. :type message: str :param message: The message to display when the old function is called.

This message must contain the following format strings: “{old_method}”, “{deprecate_version}”, and “{new_method}”. If None, the default message is used.

Return <callable>:

The decorated function.

is_matching_subscripted_type(value, type_hint)[source]#

Implementation of insinstance() for type-hints imported from the typing module, and for subscripted types (e.g. List[int], Tuple[str, int], etc.). Parameters :type value: Any :param value: The value to check. :type type_hint: Type[Any] :param type_hint: The type hint to check against. :return <bool>: True if the value is of the type hint, False otherwise.

Return type:



Based on the type hint, return a list of strings that represent the type hint - including any nested type hints. Parameters :type arg_type_hint: Type[Any] :param arg_type_hint: The type hint to get the expected types for. :return <List[str]>: A list of strings that represent the type hint.

Return type:



Decorator for validating the arguments and return value of a function. Parameters :type func: Callable[..., Any] :param func: The function to validate. :return <Callable[…, Any]>: The decorated function.

Return type:

Callable[..., Any]


Decorator for applying a “pass-by-value” method to the arguments of a function. Parameters :type func: Callable :param func: The function to copy arguments for. :return <Callable>: The decorated function.

Return type:
